DIY: Spot Your Wine Glass

Hi team!

First off, I apologize for being so MIA. I was out of province for the month of August, and then school started! And I wasn’t able to crafty procrast like I wanted too.

But here I am!

Wine glasses

I loved this craft, its easy and fun, and useful!


  1. Wine glasses! I bought a pack of 6 for $10.00 from Ikea
  2. Acrylic paint and paintbrushes- Pick a few colours of paint, but make sure you have white to make different shades of each colour! Dollarama, $1/bottle, $2/pack of brushes
  3. Cookie sheet
  4. An oven!


  1. Use your white paint to make different shades of each colour. You will want about 4-5 different shades.
  2. Take the bottom of your paint brush and apply spots! Place the dots randomly, and make sure to use equal amounts of each shade.
  3. Once you have finished your glasses, place them on a cookie sheet, pop them in the oven, and turn the heat to 350F. Make sure you put the glasses in the oven while its heating up, not once it reaches 350F, or the glasses will crack.
  4. Leave the glasses in the oven for 30 minutes (starting the timer when you put the glasses in, not when the oven reaches 350F)
  5. Turn the oven off and leave the oven door open after 30 minutes. Let cool.

You’re set! Have a drink to toast your good work!

P.S: To keep your design from fading, hand wash your glasses instead of putting them in the dishwasher

pretty polka dots

DIY: One-Step Woodsy Planter

Jade Plant in DIY Planter

Jade Plant in DIY Planter

Now this is one easy DIY. I’m not sure how I feel about it yet. But I think it would look cute if you had a couple lined up. Maybe as a dinner table display. Could also be a candle holder. I’ll let you decide.


  1. Empty, washed Tuna can (or similar sized can)
  2. Wooden clothes pins (you can use plastic, I like the woodsy look though) – Dollarama, $2 for a pack of 60
  3. Optional: soil and plant, or candle
  4. Optional: Acrylic paint if you wish to paint the pins


  1. Clip pins around tuna can. plant your plant OR insert candle
  2. Optional: paint your clothes pins

So capital-E Easy. I almost need a “very easy” category for this one.

DIY: Easy and Quick Furniture Makeover

A new coat of paint

A new coat of paint

I have had this small white table for a while. I inherited it from my mom (inherited might be a bad word, I think she’d prefer stole “borrowed”). It was made for her when she was my age, living alone in the big bad world. Its roughly a foot high and is perfect for my plants.

Through re-potting, watering, etc it became really dirty. After wiping it down, I realized it needed a new coat of paint… and maybe a little jazz.

This isn’t rocket science (although I’d like to use this moment to randomly shout out to Chris Hadfield) – but its a nice reminder that some items just need a little TLC to look their best again.

This is what I used, and how I did it:


  1. Piece of furniture I wanted to spruce up
  2. Acrylic paint (might not last years on end, but that just means I can give it another make over!)
  3. Brushes, plastic bags (or newspaper)
  4. Painters tape


  1. Cover floor with bags (newspaper). Place furniture on top
  2. Paint base color (in my case white), let dry.
  3. Use painters tape to make stripes
  4. Paint over non-taped sections with color of choice (I was actually aiming for a very dusty very very light purpley-grey, I got more of a lavender. C’est la vie)
  5. Let partially dry – remove strips of tape. You don’t want to let it completely dry because then the paint risks coming off when you pull the tape off.
  6. Make any touch ups needed. Let completely dry.

Beauty! Love these easy DIYs.

DIY: Easy [Gluten-free!] Cake Pops and Stand

Gluten Free Cake Pops

Gluten Free Cake Pops

I know I haven’t traditionally included foodie DIYs, but I had to craft the stand for my cake pops – so it counts! Please ignore my creepy BF and his pal in the background of the pic!


  1. 1 box of store bought cake mix (I used a gluten free flavour by Betty Crocker)
  2. Water/oil/eggs for cake mix
  3. Large bowl for mixing cake crumbs and icing together
  4. Cookie sheet
  5. 2 tbsps of store bought icing (or made from scratch – icing sugar, milk, butter) in any flavour.
  6. 1.5 lbs Candy melts – any colour! Found mine at Bulk Barn. Use multiple colours if you wish!
  7. Sprinkles – found mine at Bulk Barn
  8. Cake Pop sticks – I could only find lollipop sticks (again at Bulk Barn), but if you find actual Cake Pop sticks let me know!
  9. Styrofoam block (at least the size of a shoe box)
  10. Optional: Wrapping paper and ribbon


  1. Following the instructions on the store bought cake mix, bake your cake. Don’t worry about the size of the pan or anything because your next step is to crumble the cake!
  2. Once the cake has finished baking and cooled, crumble the cake! Crumble crumble crumble into a large bowl. Add icing to the bowl and really mix the crumbs and icing, kneading and squishing cake and icing together with your [clean!] hands. Add more icing if needed. Mixture should be able to hold small ball shapes
  3. Using a small cookie scoop,  measure out 2 scoops of the mixture. Use your hands to create a ball. Place on an ungreased cookie tray. Keep going till you have balled up all of the mixture.
  4. Begin melting your candy melts. I used the microwave to melt the candy melts in a regular cereal bowl. Dip your cake pop sticks into the melted candy melts (about an inch deep), and stick into your cake pops. This will help keep the stick in the ball when you eat them!
  5. Place tray in freezer for 20 minutes. While in the freezer, make sure you prepare enough melted candy melts. I used a ramekin for this part as you want a bowl small enough and deep enough to be able to completely submerge your pops in. Place sprinkles in a separate bowl, similar in size to a ramekin.
  6. Get your styrofoam block ready as you will need somewhere to stick your cake pops soon! I chose to wrap wrapping paper around my block to make it look prettier 🙂 This is of course optional.
  7. Take out the pops from the freezer and begin! Fully submerge your cake pops into the melted candy melts, then dip them into your sprinkles. Stick the finished pop in your styrofoam block. Keep going till all your pops are dipped!
  8. Stick in the fridge until they are ready to be eaten.

Enjoy! Nom nom nom.

DIY: His and Her Mugs

Need a personalized wedding gift?

His and Her Mugs

Meet the cutest DIY wedding gift – His and Her Mugs!

You can either write their names, like I did above, or just “His” and “Hers”


  1. Plain mugs, I bought mine from Benix & Co. on sale, but you can always count on Dollarama!
  2. Porcelain Pen – I bought mine, in black, for $5 at DeSerres
  3. Optional: Stencils, found at Michaels and DeSerres


  1. Plan plan plan what you want to write, and where you want it to show up!
  2. Once you have finished your mugs, place them on a cookie sheet, pop them in the oven, and turn the heat to 350F. Make sure you put the glasses in the oven while its heating up, not once it reaches 350F, or the mugs will crack.
  3. Leave the mugs in the oven for 30 minutes (starting the timer when you put the glasses in, not when the oven reaches 350F)
  4. Turn the oven off and leave the oven door open after 30 minutes. Let cool.

Mugs can be handwashed or put in the dishwasher 🙂

Cafe au lait anyone?